{# Fil d'ariane #}
{% if wo_breadcrumbs()|length %}
{%- apply spaceless -%}
<div class="ui breadcrumb">
{% if is_mobile() and not is_device('iPad') %}
{# {{ dump(breadcrumbs) }}
aa {{ breadcrumbs|length }}bb #}
{% for b in breadcrumbs %}
{% if loop.index == breadcrumbs|length - 1 %}
<a class="section" href="{{ b.url }}" {% if linkRel is defined and linkRel|length %} rel="{{ linkRel }}"{% endif %}>
{% if app.request.get('_route') == 'app_product_variant_show' %}
<img src="{{ asset('webapic-theme/images/mobile-breacrumb-arrowleft-blue.png') }}" class="ui image" />
{% else %}
<img src="{{ asset('webapic-theme/images/mobile-breacrumb-arrowleft.png') }}" class="ui image" />
{% endif %}
{% if b.translate is defined and b.translate == true %}{{- b.text | trans(b.translationParameters, translation_domain, locale) -}}{% else %}{{- b.text -}}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% for b in breadcrumbs %}
{% if b.url and not loop.last %}
<a class="section" href="{{ b.url }}" {% if linkRel is defined and linkRel|length %} rel="{{ linkRel }}"{% endif %}>
{% if b.translate is defined and b.translate == true %}{{- b.text | trans(b.translationParameters, translation_domain, locale) -}}{% else %}{{- b.text -}}{% endif %}
{% else %}
<div class="active section">
{% if b.translate is defined and b.translate == true %}{{- b.text | trans(b.translationParameters, translation_domain, locale) -}}{% else %}{{- b.text -}}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if separator is not null and not loop.last %}
<div class="divider">{{ separator|raw }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endapply %}
{% endif %}